Positioning service

This service computes a precise positioning trajectory from a GNSS measurements file provided by the user. Its main goal is to promote the different techniques proposed in the PPP-Wizard demonstrator (undiferrenced ambiguity resolution, daily phase products, user implementation, snapshot PPP, etc).

Important note before submitting a request:

The SSR products needed to process a certain day are only available starting from the next day.
Service product history starts in early 2020, therefore only measurements after this date can be processed.
Measurements must be dual-frequency (GPS L1/L2, Galileo L1/L5) or multi-frequency, synchronized to GPS time, with a multiple of 0.1 s.
Measurements duration must be longer than 30 min in order to perform the ambiguity resolution.

Upload RINEX file, maximum 50MB (.rnx, .crx, .??o, .??d, .gz, .z, .zip):

Email address to receive results (outlook addresses cannot be accepted at this time):

Select the processing mode:
Receive a file with zenithal tropospheric delays:
Select the type of NMEA results (for kinematic mode):
PVT: phase ambiguities reinitialized at each epoch
PPP: phase ambiguities not reinitialized at each epoch


For any questions, please contact : contact_ppp@cnes.fr