This service computes a precise positioning trajectory from a GNSS measurements file provided by the user. Its main goal is to promote the different techniques proposed in the PPP-Wizard demonstrator (undiferrenced ambiguity resolution, daily phase products, user implementation, snapshot PPP, etc).
Important note before submitting a request:
The SSR products needed to process a certain day are only available starting from the next day.Service product history starts in early 2020, therefore only measurements after this date can be processed. Measurements must be dual-frequency (GPS L1/L2, Galileo L1/L5) or multi-frequency, synchronized to GPS time, with a multiple of 0.1 s.Measurements duration must be longer than 30 min in order to perform the ambiguity resolution.
Upload RINEX file, maximum 50MB (.rnx, .crx, .??o, .??d, .gz, .z, .zip):
Email address to receive results (outlook addresses cannot be accepted at this time):
Select the processing mode: Static Kinematic (in beta) Receive a file with zenithal tropospheric delays: No Yes Select the type of NMEA results (for kinematic mode): Only PPP (open sky) Only PVT PVT: phase ambiguities reinitialized at each epoch PPP: phase ambiguities not reinitialized at each epoch real time products post-processed products (only available 7 days after the considered date)
I acknowledge that the results of this service are subject to the ETALAB license (french version), (english version)